GrantSolutions Launches New Service to Monitor Grant Award Performance

GrantSolutions is excited to announce the launch of a new service to support the post-award management and monitoring activities for Federal grants.  The Grants Monitoring tool allows the Program and Grants Offices the ability to manage, monitor and oversee the performance of federal grant programs with a robust case management and risk tool.

GrantSolutions knows that once the Federal grant award is issued, the important post-award work begins to ensure recipients achieve the desired performance outcomes.  There are many important due dates to manage and track when it comes to monitoring grant performance.  The Grants Monitoring tool streamlines the process with automated reminders of upcoming due dates and timelines for site visits or risk assessments.

GrantSolutions leverages the grant award data to capture day-to-day interactions with the grant recipients, schedule and track site visits, document technical assistance, and perform recipient risk assessments. The tool provides a seamless integration with Recipient Data Insights (RDI) risk management service, links to the Notice of Grant Award (NGA), Funding Restrictions, Federal Financial Reports (FFR) and Business Intelligence (BI) Dashboards. The Grants Monitoring tool helps to connect and consolidate the award and performance data together into a single tool to provide the full picture of the grant award.

Advanced data analytics converts raw data into meaningful and actionable information, knowledge, and insights. If management is looking for a report on grant performance, this function allows you to easily pull a snapshot of the grant program portfolio with the ability to drill down into data by state, region, grant project, and more.

For more information on the Grants Monitoring tool, email

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